
welcome to my diary/journal/blog thingy!

this is where i post when i wanna share something with nobody in particular. how my day went, what's happening in my life, etc.

i also use these diary entries to post "patch notes" about updates to the site, so if you follow me on neocities and get a notification, this is a good place to check to find out what's been updated.

wednesday, 29 may 2024, evening

hi! quick little update

first: i can't promise anything but i have been making a tiny bit of a start on the outer wilds shrine

second: to Vian who recommended poblano pasta in my guestbook, thank you, i made it the other day (with a substitute for poblano peppers bc where tf do you find those lmao) and it was really good!! my dad said it might be the best pasta i've made :)

friday, 10 may 2024, evening

henlo :3 wow that emoticon looks silly in this font. quick update: added a few new photos to the Art page, and added a new Virtual Photography page for photos i've taken inside video games

that's all for the site. life-wise, a lot is happening! i got into the uni i wanted :) i'm starting in october, and in the meantime i'm trying to save up enough money to fund most of my living expenses and tuition.

university tuition in israel isn't as prohibitively expensive as it infamously is in some US unis, but it's still quite expensive. add to that the cost of living in a big city and it's quite an expensive affair :P unfortunately traveling before uni is out of the picture as it looks like i'll be struggling to fund everything even if i save every single penny for uni and keep working during the semester.

my previous job didn't work out, i quit a couple weeks after i made the diary entry mentioning my new job lol. it was messing me up mentally. i've just started a new job, though, which seems a lot more relaxed and i have a feeling i'll manage better this time, especially with the added motivation of having to save up for uni.

i'm going to be studying mathematics and physics which is incredibly exciting! mathematics is my passion, and i'm also taking physics to keep the door open to potentially study astrophysics later on (space is my second passion). part of me is a little scared of jumping into that new environment and lifestyle but mostly i just can't wait.

see you all next update :)

monday, 15 april 2024, evening

hello! another small site update

the photos page has been renamed 'Art' and will now include any and all art i make, rather than just photos! (and i managed to make a teabag icon for it without the font by copying letters from the other icons lol it was very scuffed)

currently in the process of adding some drawings and writing to it.

that's all for today :)

friday, 29 march 2024, morning

hi! small site update today :)

the 'pics' page has been repurposed (and also renamed 'photos', but the sidebar icon still says 'pics' because i frankly have no clue what font i used in those icons and can't be bothered to find out and make a new one lmao), from a collection of pictures of miscellaneous things in my life, to a collection of photos i've taken and edited as a very amateur photography hobbyist.

the old page isn't deleted, it's just not linked to anywhere on the site anymore.

i've noticed some things are broken, like the 88x31 banners at the bottom of this page and some of the pictures in the cats shrine. to be honest i'm not sure if i can be bothered fixing it lol, maybe i will at some point, but regardless i am aware of the issue

but anyway, i'm doing good. i finally have a job (math tutoring didn't work out, i'm just working a low wage job at a cafe) and i'm going to sign up for uni soon. i'll probably mostly be saving for that over the next few months, but maybe if i get lucky i'll have enough left over to travel a bit before i start uni, who knows :P

hope you're all doing well! i can't promise any more updates in the near future but these random strokes of motivation are impossible to predict so keep an eye out i suppose ;)

wednesday, 18 october 2023, evening

soooo.. hi! it's been a good year or two since i updated this site. i sort of just moved on. i don't wanna say i'm 'back' now, i might very well disappear again after this little update, but idk, i felt an urge to play around with my site again today :P

there's a few changes i want to make. i'm a bit uncomfortable with the harry potter references on this site after JKR's whole fiasco, might take those down. i also might delete this page because i don't really ever feel like putting in any entries. i have a couple ideas for shrines - but i can't promise i'll have the energy to make them. we'll see! i played Hypnospace Outlaw and now my passion for the retro web is rekindled haha

otherwise, i've been doing alright. things are chaotic here (israel) right now but my area's fairly safe, i'm anxious and a bit scared but getting through it. since the last update i have started uni, quit uni, gotten an exemption from mandatory military service (!!!!), nearly turned 20 (bday's in less than two weeks!), and well, not much else. i'm planning to start saving up money, hopefully by doing math tutoring, and in a few months or a year i'll hopefully start uni again (and stick around this time - circumstances were complicated the first time around lol). i wanna study math or maybe astrophysics :)

i've been checking up on the guestbook occasionally and the sweet messages always make my day. to Jamie the 'elder millennial' who found my site soothing - i saw your comment yesterday and it made my whole week :D thank you to everyone who's left comments!

until next time :)


saturday, 30 april, EXTREMELY late night

i had lunch with some extended family on my dad's side today, and it was very fun! it was mostly full of "technically related to me but we're basically strangers"-type relatives, so i expected to be a bit awkward as i often am at family events, but i'm proud of myself because i actually did really well at being social and friendly! i talked about life stuff with one cousin, joked around with some of the others, played with my toddler cousin and with their dog, and we all played some songs together - i frankly killed it on the hand drums if i say so myself lmao

also, it's 4am lol, i stayed up ridiculously late reading cute harry potter fanfics... this is like the third consecutive night this has happened, i need help

i'm going to shower and sleep now, but rest assured i am working on that majora's mask shrine! i've got some of the layout planned and some plans for what content i'll put there. it'll be great!

saturday, 23 april, late night

so erm, i've got a civics exam tomorrow :P i've gone over all the material, but all i really did was read the textbook lol, this subject is too damn exhausting to actually do practice questions

i've actually been finding civics pretty interesting and i wanna learn more about it, but school frames it in a very memorisation-heavy way and i just don't have the energy for it :(

to follow up what i said in my last entry about my beard - i ended up trimming back down to stubble length :) the longer beard looked nice but the neat trimmed look is just my thing man

website-wise, my plans for the near future are a hebrew translation for the site, and a shrine for majora's mask - one of my favourite games ever! i've been replaying it to death recently lol

i'm gonna get ready to sleep :) have a good rest of your day everybody

wednesday, 14/technically 15 april, late night

it's 2:30 at night lmao, i should really sort out my sleeping schedule

i'm basically done with covid now, got nothing but a runny nose :D and it's my dad's birthday tomorrow! or technically today i suppose :P i made him a cute little card/fake letter thingy full of our injokes

i've been thinking about trying other styles with my beard. i'll have to shave it off in about a year when i go to the military, so i'm thinking in the meantime i should try whatever i can with it

right now it's just a very short stubble-ish beard. i'm thinking of letting it grow out a bit - i'll still trim it, just at a bigger length, so hopefully it'll keep its shape but stand out more. i'll let y'all know how it goes!

i should really get to sleep lol, peace out

tuesday, 12 april, afternoon

so i tested positive for covid yesterday... fun times! i'm sneezing and coughing a lot, and my head hurts like hell, plus i'm gonna miss passover dinner because of the quarantine :P it's getting better though, i took a painkiller for my headache and my sneezing and coughing have already gone way down! plus, the quarantine gives me lots of time to work on this site :>

on a more postive note, my brothers just made an excellent peanut butter pie :D (image below!)

i think i'm gonna add a page for pictures of my cats, my cooking, etc, and then maybe i'll apply to join the yesterweb ring :o and then i'll be done with the website for the day