My Favourite Tastes and Smells
i've been working in the vegetable & fruit section of a grocery store for about 3 months now, and though i don't particularly like my job, one thing i do find some joy in is some of the fruits i get to taste and some of the smells i get to sniff all day.
this is a fun little page for me to ramble about those tastes and smells that i love the most :D
Taste & Smell - Mango

mango has been my favourite fruit for years! i could devour like 5 of them in one sitting (if they were cheaper lol)
there are few things i enjoy more than a really top-notch Maya mango. it's the best fruit do not contradict me on this.
at my job whenever i bring out mangoes to the shelf i have to resist buying half of them in order to keep my bank account healthy-ish.
besides tasting like they're literally from heaven, mangoes also smell incredible. when the mango season started and we got our first delivery of mangoes at my job, i put them in the fridge not thinking much of it, and the next time i walked into the fridge, i was SHOCKED how good it smelled in there and now i sniff the mangoes in the fridge quite often.
11/10 fruit, unrivaled and unparalleled, i would sell my firstborn for a good mango
P.S. - the gridded cutting method in the image above is a cardinal sin. you're gonna get all messy eating it like that. just peel it with a fruit peeler and then cut around the core - you get lovely skinless slices and you get to munch on the remaining mango around the core like a caveman - which is somehow still less messy than the grid method, believe it or not
Smell - Dill

have you ever noticed how delightful dill smells? for most of my life i hadn't.
i finally noticed it at my job, when we received a box of dill that was a bit off and put it back in the fridge until the supplier came back and we could return it. we usually don't put dill in the fridge as we don't buy enough to have any backed up - so this was new. the next time i walked into the fridge the entire thing smelled so strongly of dill and i was SHOOK. i couldn't stop sniffing it. i honestly wish we'd overstock dill more often so the fridge could go back to smelling like that.
Taste - Plum

another of my favourite fruits is plums (red plums specifically).
plums are in the group of fruits/veggies whose 'red' variation does not earn its name - look at it! it's purple!
sure the inside is red, but this is part of a pattern of misnamed produce. other members of this group are cabbages and onions - they're PURPLE.
(fun fact, "purple onion" is actually a very common term for red onion in hebrew!)
anyway plums are delicious. they're not as good as mangoes, but their advantage is that they don't need any prep work (peeling and cutting) to eat them, so at work i can just grab one, give it a quick rinse, and snack on it. which i can't do with mangoes. :(
my favourites are the kind with the deep red inside (as opposed to yellow), but it annoys me how there's seemingly no way to tell which kind a plum is until you open it up.
also, did you know white plums are a thing? i didn't until we started selling them at my job. they're nice but i don't like them as much as red plums - but try them sometime! there's also yellow and green - yellow is nice, i haven't tried green yet.
Taste - Nectarine

nectarines are so delicious! i prefer the white ones over the yellow but both are good.
some fun facts about nectarines: they're commonly believed to be a fusion of peaches and plums, but apparently this is a misconception and they're just a variation of a peach.
this misconception has led to the popularisation of the name "afarshezif" for nectarines in hebrew - a portmanteau of "afarsek" (peach) and "shezif" (plum). it's probably not as common as just calling them nectarines but it's a fairly common name. i think that's neat :)
anyway good fruit, one of my favourites. whenever i'm hungry at work this is my first pick of a snack, if i can find a ripe one. a ripe, soft white nectarine is one of my bigger joys in life.
i might add more things to this page as i think of them :)