My Art
this page is a collection of art i've made - some photography, some drawings, a bit of writing.
i don't really consider myself much of an artist but i am trying to learn to be one.
here are some links to the different sections:
the bulk of what i make is my photography - i'm just a hobbyist but i really enjoy taking photos. link above leads to a dedicated photography page
the other sections are much smaller:
Virtual Photography (dedicated page)
i'll be adding more to this page as i create more things :)
i have no idea what i'm doing when it comes to drawing, but sometimes i enjoy playing around with it.
my stuff is mostly inspired by graffiti - it's mostly lettering and shapes and colours. this is a collection of the drawings i've made that i feel somewhat happy with.

this one is a sign i made for the protests against the attacks on gaza.

(if it wasn't visually clear enough this is in fact trying to say that boys should be allowed to cry :P)

i don't write much, but occasionally i'll get an idea i really want to do something with, and often i just don't have the technical skills to make it into anything other than plain text.
in these cases i'll usually write it as some kind of poem, prose, or short story - i don't really have any skills in making these things either, but i figure it's better than not making anything at all :)
Prose: If the Universe Knew
They say the universe is cruelly indifferent. But the universe knows only of electrons and protons and light. It doesn’t know pain. It doesn't know grief. Can one be cruel without knowing of suffering?
Maybe if the universe knew, it would cry. Maybe it would hug us all, impossibly tight and warm, and say sorry. Try and make it all better. I hope the universe doesn’t feel too guilty. I hope it knows of joy, too, and of how much joy it brings us every single day. I hope it knows what I feel when I look up at the stars.
If it doesn’t know that feeling,
isn’t that the cruelest thing of all?